Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One of my favorite passages from The Koran

From the Surah, Abraham 14:22:

And when Our judgement has been passed, Satan will say to them: 'True was the promise God made to you. I too made you a promise, but did not keep it. Yet, I had no power over you. I called you, and you answered me. Do not now blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I never thought, as you did, that I was God's equal.'

Isn't that cool? It's like Satan as a real dude, not a snake in the grass. And, he admits he's really up to no good. But the best part is, even if Satan is just the personification of one following one's desires without moral direction, the verse points out that one's problems are generally one's own fault.

I Don't know why, but that little blurb jumped off the page for me and I wanted to share it. The Koran is full of phrases turned just right even in my translation, and I would say it is translated at least as well as the christian tome. Both pretty much have the same supporting characters.

Well, that's it.

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