Saturday, July 11, 2009

Family Lexicon

The words and phrases we use everyday in our house vary, of course, but a few were taught to us by infant and toddler children. I was reminded of where these words came from today in the shower.

To this day, no matter what it is, whether it's soup or a shower, if it's surprisingly hot, one says, "WHOO! HOT!" in a loud, toddleresque Jaime voice.

If one sees poop, left behind from any species of animal, lying in the yard, one is to shout, "DOO-DOO!" with his arms out stretched behind him like a penguin, again, in one's best young Jaime voice.

Forever, "Shawggy gon' get my cereal." means hurry up and eat before your cereal gets soggy.

My beautiful daughter was tagged, "Loo-Doo" by a not-much-older brother. So she still is called this with variations depending on mood and condition. These other names include Poopy-Loo, Stinky-Loo (Though she outgrew this phase when she started using the litter-box), Sticky-Loo (still applicable sometimes, even to this day), Grumpy Loo, but mostly plain jane Loo-Loo.

A toothbrush is a Blih-bluh at least once a quarter around here. We have Emily on tape saying that.

These are the main ones...the ones that get used many times and remind me personally of my kids when their dad was a giant and all-knowing and indestructible. My stock's gone down some, but I'm reminded every time, everyday, when I scald myself in the shower, or gulp hot coffee or pizza.

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