Monday, September 5, 2011

Ten Simple Pleasures--Don't Judge Me

Emily got a secondhand bunk bed. So we had to rearrange things upstairs to make room for the thing. The good news, at least for me, was finding something I had typed out a long time ago.

Well, not that long ago, but probably over a year ago. Here 'tis:

Click on it for a easier reading size

Well, from there, I never finished it, and since there's two number sixes, I'll start the sprint to the finish with a number eight. I mean, over half the work's already been done for future brett by past brett. I just have to remember to go back in time to hide dad's keys...

8. Sniffing someone's head...or the dog's. I guess if you can't sniff your kids' heads, or your dog's, then whose can you sniff? If you sniff them enough, I bet you'll start lactating--except in the dog's case, I'd hope. Smelling stuff in general is something that gets left out of our daily lives altogether too much. Sure you'll get awful surprises, but if you got five senses then by god use them.

9. Making people laugh. I knew I had that conversational Castellano class in my hands when I got everyone to laugh with the profesora. I knew I lost the student/professor in comp 101 when I got everyone to laugh at the student/professor. I was the only student who got to write an extra essay for the final exam. I was the only one who needed a blue book that day.

10. Driving. Sure, it's not all fun and games. It's behind the wheel that brings out the worst in me--but sometimes the best as well--as I cruise these mean streets of NC. But nothing creates the illusion of freedom more like sitting on your ass, tip-toeing your right foot on a magic pedal, and going anywhere your budget allows.

Well that's just ten, and stopping at an even number is standard. I notice that work didn't make the top ten, but now that the kids are older, and less likely to pounce on unsuspecting dad these days, perhaps there's room for dit-doting the countryside with immobile marks that'll be around longer than I will.

Oh I'll still sneak a sniff from the kids of course, becoming something of a shadow when they least expect it, especially the boy. The dog, however, can't wait to sniff and be sniffed which might be why she was invited to be around. We started with four-legged kids, and soon, we'll be left with four-legged kids if all goes well and "happy" and healthy.

So give me your short list. Make it you top five if you think can.


  1. okay, but my list goes to 11:
    1. moving water (rain, stream, waterfall)
    2. melted cheese (dairy products in general, really)
    3. drawing
    4. the smell of kiddie shampoo
    5. walks in the woods
    6. fall
    7. cold nights
    8. mountains
    9. games where everyone contributes to make a story or create a piece of art
    10. a story that draws you in and won't let you go
    11. cartoons
    I could go on...the world is full of simple pleasures. :D

  2. the smell of smoke (any smoke but cigarette/cigar), the color red, metalwork, cotton, and vanilla

  3. 1. harmonicas with guitars
    2. being naked outside
    3. sharp pencils
    4. pineapple sage
    5. knitting

  4. sleep, baths, stained glass, truffles, champagne
