Sunday, November 28, 2010

Another ten minutes.

  • Algae isn't diesel fuel, and neither is old french fry grease.
  • Vegan isn't green.
  • Just because the food you eat didn't have a soul doesn't mean the planet didn't suffer for it.
  • Vegetarians eat their prey alive a lot of the time, when they're not skinning it, dismembering it, or boiling it...alive.
  • Deer ain't always as good as Walt Disney says they are...he thought Hitler had it going on too.
  • Happiness isn't something we're entitled to, just like wages, or a job. It's a goal, to be sure, but for me, it's more like a drug or a bottle of really sweet wine, that when I do get a taste of it, I take the time to savour it, share it, and sometimes photograph it!
  • Some days we just are.
  • Cheese really is just sour milk.
  • Rifles, especially old rifles, really are artifacts of engineering and time tested technology that have to be held, and fired, to appreciate the elegance and ergonomics. They aren't always ugly killing machines.


    1. Agree on all counts, except, sorta, the first one. They can be diesel fuel, with the proper processing.

    2. Point Taken. I should have said they aren't practical alternatives...yet.

      For algae, all they need to do is flood an area as big as Texas to cultivate enough for U.S. consumption, so the race is on to get more algae per square foot! Go lipids!

    3. and what is wrong with sour milk?

    4. Nothing if it's sweet sweet Mozzarella (with less salt)
