Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why Arizona Can Kiss My Light Brown Ass

Their Gov'ner down there signed an outrageous law that actually sickens me more than anti-gun bullshit that makes it way down to us little people every other federal administration.

"The latest bill would make it a state crime for illegal immigrants to not have an alien registration document. It also would require police to question people about their immigration status if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally."

Well, what would make a police officer (PO) suspect a person is in the country illegally? Well, probably the same thing that made me stand out in a crowd (besides my big mouth) when I was growing up: Brown skin, black hair, and short (yet proportional) body stature.

I'm not even going to call it what it is, but IT is targeted at my peeps, my indigenous peoples, and anyone else who is decidedly "not quite white." And before you tell me different (like them dumb-ass racist plomeros in VA last week) you need to remember that many of these people coming up looking for work are indeed Native Americans and Native South Americans.

So now one can be stopped, questioned and harassed "if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally." What's it going to be? Is going to be the black hair? the brown skin, the use of Spanish language? the 1994 Chevy Malibu? It's as if the police are going to use race as some sort of profile with which to check and guard against immigration status or lack thereof...

As if the only illegals here, stealing jobs and burdening the health care system (we got one of those don't we? I wasn't sure. Was it reformed? Who the hell knows) are from south of the border.

I challenge you to go to your local China Palace or Hong Kong House and ask for some Resident Alien Cards. I didn't see ANY Asians protesting May 1st with the Latinos four years ago. And If there were any illegal Canadians in the crowd, I think I could have spotted them then, but not on the street now...they are masters of disguise and easily look like white bread Americans when need be.

I've a mind to go to Arizona after the law goes into practice, and flaunt my 1990 Volvo, and my black hair, and my brown (summer time only) skin and pray a jar-headed, racist asshole cop stops me and asks for ID.

"Que?" I'll say, and take my beating for the real Americans...then get paid.

So what is to be done? Well, it seems pretty simple to a dumbass carpenter like myself.

They're here, they're queer, they won't disappear--wait, that's a different rally cry. What I mean is, they're here to stay. They aren't going anywhere. If the crash of 2008 proved anything, it was that even the lack of skilled labour jobs wasn't enough to prod the people homeward.

1. Make sure they know they can stay. Call it whatever you like, amnesty, grandfathered in from the colonial times (don't get me started, whitey) or whatever it takes to shut your mouth, but very quickly, we need to make available dual citizenship with a goal, perhaps, of permanent citizenship. (they may not want to stay after our putrid, unfair and failing tax system gets done with them)

2. Find them, and make sure they get a U.S. ID with their name, their real name, all four of them, on a plastic document that any jar-head high school graduate with a GTCC degree in "Criminal Justice" can read. And with their U.S. ID comes their U.S. Tax Payer Identification Number. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for them.

(A word on taxes--they do pay taxes--sales tax, property tax, unemployment tax, and fuel taxes, so don't think they're getting a free ride. The wages they earn are in line with tax-paying "Americans" because shady employers pay them less, so take home pay is about the same.)

3.With their U.S. ID and TPIN, they can now get a driver's license and auto insurance commensurate with legal licensed drivers' rates. The rates they pay now are exorbitant because they do not hold legal U.S. Drivers' Licenses. So insurance companies make more off their backs.

4.Open the border.

5. Enforcement...that's a toughy, because we're back to profiling if we're not careful. But the system we have now, which often fails us legal residents as well, fails them too. Right now, in NC, it's catch and release, just like it is for Residents here.

So find them, document them, tax them, and welcome them. Learn some of their language. It wouldn't hurt us fat, lazy Americans to learn something new besides Nascar and Tiger Woods.


"Other provisions allow citizen lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws, and make it illegal for people to hire illegal immigrants for day labor or knowingly transport them."

I'm not sure about this one.


  1. Comment reposted from Facebook:

    There are so many things fucked up with immigration law right now, it is hard to know where to start, but I like your essay.

    Things about the immigrant population that are not necessarily widely known:

    1) There is no evidence whatsover, of which I am aware, that they harm the economy as a whole, or even that they harm low wage workers with whom they allegedly "compete." The opposite is actually the case. The details are too policy-wonky to get into in a comment thread, but I can back this up, if needed.

    2) The evidence also shows that they are, as a group, LESS inclined to commit crimes than the native born population. (Ditto what I said above about backing up.)

    3) They are more likely to return to their country of origin, frequently and for longer periods, if they are free to move across the border legally.

    4) There is no moral justification for barring a law abiding person in search of work from entering this county, which is, of course, a nation founded by immigrants seeking a better life. No justification whatsoever.

    5) If we open the border for law abiding job seekers, tourists, students, etc., then the only people sneaking across will the the actual bad guys. And maybe then we'd have a prayer of stopping them.

    6) Fuck You, Arizona!

  2. Saw your link to this on FB today, re-read (apparently) this post, scrolled down to make a supportive comment, and realized I had already done so last year.

    Well, not a lot has changed in the interim, except that Georgia (my adult-life home state) has now adopted a law modeled on the Arizona law. Yay. Sigh.

    I repeat: fuck 'em.
