Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thoughts on Parenting

I read something that struck a chord in me...something that said perhaps we parents deserve we? Well thanks for the sentiment, but my modesty or honesty forces me to respond.

I admit it, there's nothing too awful special about parenting...I say, if you have a well-mannered dog, then you'd be a good parent. 'Cause, let's face it, kids and dogs are the same thing, at least until the kid's three or four. Before your child reaches that age, then there's not all that much difference!! And yes, our first dogs got three names too. Sadly, they're are the first four cats...the rat...the hamster...the fish....the chia pets...that damn guinea pig/ biting devil-spawn won't die!

Hmm, where was I? Oh yeah, the only real difference is you can't lock your kids up in a crate when you go out to eat or something. Not legally anyway. But that's it...well, you wouldn't spay or neuter your kids either, and it goes without saying, (but I'm a-sayin' it) there's some kids that could use that; not mine of course.

Same rules apply to both, train 'em early, be consistent, and with a nod to the pack leader. Amazing what you can do with a good, "Pshht!" and a poke to your dog or, like I'm saying, to your kids too!

By the time they're eight, they're a lot calmer and quieter...the dogs, but the kids have turned into little people....I only wish they could reach the pedals to drive me around. And I haven't finished a candy bar, or a soda, or a bowl of cereal since I've owned dogs or kids. Both always want a sample.

Well, i forgot what i really wanted to say. People without kids enjoy the freedom, and extra money, and full refrigerators, and clean carpets, and clean bathrooms, and no diapers (worst days ever--ugh...ever change a diaper hung-over?),and their stuff is right where they left it, and road trips to wherever whenever..and...damn, i am depressing myself.

I just had a need to breed, and so did Lisa, and seven fun-filled years of trying (for me at least, oh so fun), and one adoption later, we had one the old fashioned way! (we were the only parents in LeMaz/LaMaz class that aced diaper-changing. We laughed cause we knew the baby-dolls those poor parents-to-be were diapering wouldn't wiggle or pee in their face like the real McCoy would).

It was a selfish feeling/want that we fulfilled, and I'm glad we did (later I'll need their organs for transplant!)So I got my heir and a spare and we're fresh out of dogs, so we'll keep the kids. And if'n you want to borrow a couple of kids, call me.I'll get to the top of kilamanjaro/kilaminjaro/kila-whatever later after the kids are gone and I'm in my hoveround!